Personal Tax Accountants Canada Wide
Spring is usually the time when most individuals look for a personal tax accountant in Canada. If you let If you let Canadian tax professional Ltd act as your personal tax accountant in Canada then we will assist you in identifying the tax slips needed to complete your personal tax return. As a rule of thumb the following are the sources of income tax slips that are usually seen apart from the personal tax return:
- Employment Income- T4, T4A
- Pension and Annuities- T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4RIF, T4RSP
- Investment Income- T5, T3, T600, T5008, T5013 OR T5013A
- Foreign Assets
- Rental Income
- Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) Income- T4RSP
- Schedule of Capital Gains and Losses
- Income from Self Employment
- Debt Forgiveness
- Other Income, including the following slips- T4E, T4PS, T5007, RC62, RC210
As your personal tax accountant in Canada, Canadian tax professional Ltd will also identify deductions to be included in your personal tax return. The following is a list of deductions that may be identifiable in your personal tax return:
- Employment Expenses- Form 2200
- Investment Income- T101, T102, T5003, T5004, T1-CP
- Expenses Relating to a Rental Property
- Registered Retirement Savings Plan Contributions – up to March 1 of the following fiscal year
- Membership Fees, Union and Professional Dues
- Moving Expenses
- Child Care Expenses
- Alimony and Maintenance Payment- T1157
- Disability Support Expenses
- Allowable Business Investment Losses (ABIL)
- Legal Fees
- Stock Options
- Income Tax Installments Paid
- Pension Adjustment Reversal/Past Service Pension Adjustments- T10/T215
- Fines, Penalties and Levies
The government of Canada also gives several tax credits to individuals on their personal tax returns based on their personal situations. As your personal tax accountant in Canada we will ensure that all tax credits are applied correctly on your personal income tax return. The following is a list of tax credits that are commonly seen used on a T1 return:
- Spousal Exemption
- Dependents (born earlier than 1993 in the 2013 tax year)
- Disability Amounts- T2201
- Adoption Expenses
- Tuition, Fees and Education Amounts- T2202 or T2202A
- Interest Paid on Student Loans
- Medical Expenses
- Caregiver Amounts
- Charitable Donations- 2013 was the first year of implementation of the first time donors super credit
- Federal or Ontario Political Contributions
- Public Transit Pass Amounts (must be monthly passes or passes for four consecutive weeks)
- Rent or Property Tax Credit ( specific conditions apply)
- Child Fitness Credit (max. $500 per child)
- Children’s Arts Tax Credits (max. $500 per child)
Canadian tax professional Ltd , your personal tax accountant in Canada will also ensure that your personal tax return is filed on time. The filing deadline for an employed Canadian is April 30th, 2017 for the 2016 tax year. If you owe any tax corresponding to the 2016 tax year then you will have to pay any amounts owning by the April 30th deadline. If you are a self-employed individual, the filing deadline to submit your personal income tax return is June 15, 2017 for the 2016 tax year. However, if you have any amounts owing in taxes then you will have to make that payment by April 30th, 2017 deadline but will not be required to file your taxes until the June 15th deadline.
Interest at prescribed rates will start to accrue after the April 30th deadline if payments are not made on time. Penalties may also start to apply if taxes are not submitted within the proper reporting period.
Canadian tax professional Ltd will be your personal tax accountant in Canada and is looking forward to working with you in the near future. Please contact us via email at or phone us at 647 622-9078 for all your personal income tax needs, and for your corporate tax returns.